Monday, November 2, 2009


This was me on Halloween with one of my cute little residents cleaning up after the party! Sorry Kary I couldn't find a good one of me as Snow White from the kids event, so you get the blonde Cleopatra! Blonde's have wayyyy more fun :)

Great weekend, not enough rest! Thanks everyone for bringing a dish and celebrating with us. I know the Baconator appreciated it. Ate too much but it was wonderful!! WOD today was back squats and bench-5 sets of 3. 170, 175, 180,185,190-3rd one was a little shallow. Bench 125 across the board. I am super happy with my squats but my bench sucks lately. I have taken out push ups on my warm up b/c it hurts my shoulder but I'm going to have to suck it up and bring them back. I am guessing that is what is making the difference?

5am-Fish, nuts
8:30am-Fish, apple, nuts


Hip Kitty said...

Love the blonde Cleo :)

You think the W/U PU's are the diff? hhhmmm.....

Nice work on the squats, girl. Strong.

OCD said...

You look SOOOO Cute!

Anonymous said...

I was only blond for a week once, not quite long enough to tell if I was having more fun?? I tell you I have plenty as a brunette! Cute costume! Sorry missed the party, it is getting down to end of semester crunch!