Monday, August 18, 2008


Did not feel good this morning, it was probably the ice cream with PB i ate last night! Anyhow today's a new day. WOD was killer and I felt really shaky after. Tabata nightmare!
SDLHP, Wallballs, box jumps, push press. 8 rounds-20 seconds, 10 rest in between. Lowest score counts. total 38.

5am-ck, 1/2 apple, nuts
8:30-Salad, ck, 1/2 apple, nuts
1:30pm-salad, ck, apple, nuts
4pm-1/2 apple
5pm-cheese, nuts, fruit mix
6:30- FRESH grouper, mixed veggies, salad with almonds

Had a wonderful day out on the water with Liz. We had so much fun and I caught 2 grouper and landed a tarpon! First tarpon ever and I struggled to get him on the boat, thank god for liz coaching my ass!! Did a bunch of running around and then enjoyed a much needed massage. AHHHH. Overall great day!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a very fun day. Love the crazy Tabata. Well actually it is a love/ hate relationship. What does the ck stand for on your food list? I hope it is a little bit of protein girl! :)

J Brod said...

Love the fishing, sounds like a great day. that's why I want a boat! Dont' worry about the bad episodes. I had two this weekend, and have already moved past them. They happen. Nobody can be perfect forever! Great job on the wod see ya soon.