Thursday, August 20, 2009


So I am back from all of my travels and whipped beyond belief! So many stories, such a great roadtrip. We didn't get to hit all of the spots on the jammed pack itinerary because of some major car trouble but that just made it a true roadtrip experience! With all of the ups and downs I have to say it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It has reminded me how much I love to travel, to hike and just enjoy the outdoors. I hit 4 affiliates on my travel and have the t-shirts to prove it. The crossfit community is so warm and welcoming and everyone is wanting to help you improve, it's great.

Here's a little run down of the places we did hit along the way:

-Valley of the Gods, CO -Pike's Peak, CO-Arches National Park, UT-Canyonlands, UT-Dead Horse Valley, UT-Goblin Valley, UT-Calf Creek, UT-Bryce Canyon, UT- Mesa Verde, CO, -Natural Bridges, CO-4 Corners landmark-Co, AZ, UT, New Mexico,-Monument Valley, AZ,- Grand Canyon, AZ-Mt. Lemmon, AZ-Best of all I got to go canyoneering in AZ but I can't remember the name of the canyon something grande! As I said I wouldn't of traded this road trip for anything in the world! Great memories with great friends. Shout out to my t-burg crew!! Roadtrips and crossfit are my JAM!

WOD today was Metcon and Weights...Yes! KBS at 20kl, 40 yrd sprint 15 min amrap. 20 rounds and 1 swing later I was a 4 out of 5 on the pukie scale!! extra work was descending ring dips. Nice work 6am's great to be back!

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