Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So my long weekend is over and of course it went by way too fast! Yesterday was nice I got a lot of stuff done around the house! WOD this morning was Power Squat Clean thruster, burpees 21-15-9 for time. 10:15? Something crazy like that. My quads were burning! My L shoulder was feeling it. I'm going to have to try and do some band work on it or something. I've noticed it becoming weaker. X-Tra work today was 50 handstand push ups with assistance from the tires-not comfortable on the wall just yet, 25 KTE.

5am-Chicken, nuts
7:30-Eggs, apple, tons of nuts-per my talk with S this morning
12:15pm-Salad xtra veggies on side, a few grapes, chicken, extra nuts
4pm-Chicken, veggies with hummus, nuts-Feeling tired probably b/c of the rain!
7pm-Taco meat, salad, grapes, nuts, veggies and hummus while cooking

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