Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tough Time of year!

It's just a tough time of year right now to stay motivated. This is when many people fall of the wagon and don't come back to crossfit until after the New Year. It's a pain in the ass to stay strong during the holidays. It's just so much easier to eat cookies, lay on the couch, and be a bum (especially back home where it's cold, snowy and glumly outside). I on the other hand have no choice but to suck it up. I have goals and things I need to accomplish come judgement day- March 13. If I can just keep pluggin along, I'll get to where I need to be in 3 months. It's been a slow process this time around, seeing improvement. I am right on that edge, I'm about to turn the page and get over the hump I have been on...If I can only keep it together through the holidays. I'll just have to keep reminding myself of this post for the next few weeks. Only 4 days until I fly on the big bird all the way home. I'm super excited, snow here I come!!

5am-Some ground beef, nuts
8am-Protein shake, nuts
12pm-Ground beef, salad, nuts, peppers
7pm-Ground turkey, veggies mix up, avocado, peppers


Hip Kitty said...

GIRL: the best blog I've seen in a while cause you nailed it! You def are on the edge- maybe I can already see you crossing over~ so please trust me: you WANT to stay focused over Christams!!! Allow yourself a few glasses of wine at Christmas dinner or whatever- but YOU GOT THIS!!! You have come too fn far and worked too hard, yes? Good stuff, sis :) You are MY role model.

Anonymous said...

You just need to stay in the frame of mind that small accomplishments continue to add up to large accomplishments. This way you see every improvement you make along the way. I will make sure to remind you of your post...you are certainly a role model!

Anonymous said...

PS- If I dont see you I left some cash w/Jason for you. If its not enough let me know. :)

Kate Charles said...

Stay of strong mind, spirit and body while you are up North. You are doing great and I can tell just by looking at you that your hard work and discipline is paying off. Merry Christmas :)