Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Crashed when I got home from work last night asleep by 9:20pm...Nice! WOD today was 50 jumping pull-ups, 5 rounds of DL @185, 10 burpees for time. 8:59. Right under 9 minutes love it when that happens. Extra work was 50 handstand push ups with 3 and 4 tires, 1 mile run. Calf is still bothering me, which is starting to irritate me a bit. Ice on and off today for sure. Back to basics with the zone, life is good. Going to focus on me for a bit and not let outside events derail my progress.

5am-Chicken, almonds
7:30 am- Eggs, apple, nuts
12:15pm-Chicken, celery, apple, nuts
4:15pm-Cauliflower, celery, ck, nuts
8pm-Chicken, zucchini, peppers, squash, eggplant, nuts, salsa

1 comment:

Hip Kitty said...

Way to focus, girl.

Not sure yet on head count, my gut says prolly no more than 15-20. Invites will ask for headcount by 10/31. See you early- I am beat this pm!