Friday, July 3, 2009


Thought about sleeping in this morning but decided to stick to my normal schedule! WOD was squats and deadlifts today. Sets of 5- for 5 sets. First time in a longgg time on the back squat stayed at 135lbs, deads stayed at 185. Very happy with my deads, would like more work on the squats. Lots of love to stuntman who truly lives up to his name for doing the bear today. I did give him the crazy man look when he told me he was going to attempt the bear. I tried to send a warning sign but it didn't work....Hopefully it didn't kill him too much! I give you props stuntman.

Hamburger, fish, salad, pepper, nuts
eggs, turkey burger, salad, nuts

1 comment:

Hip Kitty said...

Nice job on the deads and I am sure 135lb squats did you some good, too! ;)