Friday, July 10, 2009


So glad it's Friday y'all!! My college teammate is coming into town with her husband and baby for the weekend. I haven't seen her in almost 4 years. Can't wait to catch up. Today was Mariel's official last day with the 6am crew. So sad to see her go, she's come sooooo far in CF. She did promise to come and visit and catch a WOD here or there with us :) Good Luck M, I know you'll do great in Tampa!! WOD today was 3 min max rep of CnJ at 85lbs, 3 min rest, 3 min max rep burpees, 3 min rest, 3 min max cal on rower. For only 9 min of work it was a brutal. No extra work today so that was a great treat. Thanks Coach!

5am-Steak, nuts
8am-Strawberries, veggies, fish, nuts
12pm-Fish, a few strawberries, salad, nuts

1 comment:

Kate Charles said...

So glad you are feeling good and back on track. Have fun with your friend and her baby this weekend.