Thursday, July 2, 2009


Not too much sleep or recovery. WOD was 50 d/u's, 40 wall balls, 30 lunges, 400m run, 50 KBS, run 400m, 30 lunges, 40 WBS, 50 D/u's. The D/u's killed me this morning. Haven't done those since April..the rhythm was for sure off. Need to practice!! WBS felt good and so did the swings. Worked on pull ups after class only with the 5lbs weight. I know wussy weight.... suck it!

5am-Fish & nuts
8am-Eggs, raspberries, veggies, nuts
12pm-Out in Bonita catching up with a friend-Chicken, salad, nuts


Hip Kitty said...

love the suck it. :)

Hip Kitty said...

way love the suck it, actually. I am still laughing.