Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday-Can hardly walk!

It's been a ego crushing the last 2 days at the gym. Ok so I knew it was going to be a hard road back into crossfitting but this is CRAZY. I have hardly been doing the volume of work, and I can hardly walk. It's only the second day back holy shit!! My quads are so tight from LIGHT squats yesterday, it's like I have never used them before. AMAZING. But it goes to show you that crossfit works. So I have decided that if I can make this through this week without having a mental melt down, I can get through anything. But this journey that I am on is about me and my continued effort to be healthy and in shape. Not anybody else. I know deep down what I am capable of, I just have to get that belief back in my brain. I realize that it's going to be EXTREMELY hard to get back to the level I wish to train at, but I can do it. Only Hip Kitty knows the gamer that inside me:) Keep me in your thoughts as I get back on track people!!!

1 comment:

OCD said...

You can do it, Michelle! I believe in you totally and completely.