Thursday, September 30, 2010


It's almost Friday and I have the weekend off! Yippie:) This morning I had Squats, bench and deads. It took me almost until the last set of squats to not feel pain every time I went down. My knees are killing me and my hips are tight. I need to do a better job of warming up before getting under the bar!! I'm getting old:) Hit my numbers and I'm super excited about my deads. I am back to my old PR for 5 reps so next week we should be setting a new one! Progress is happening and I like it.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Catching up with the blog! Saturday was FGB-Love that work out. I get so emotionally attached to that work out I can't even describe it. Probably b/c it makes you dig deep and push yourself like never before. It's like you are fighting for something more.... Freedom, the soldiers, it's always for something bigger then yourself. Anyhow reached my goal so it was a good day!! Monday and Tuesday I slept in and hit the gym at night. Didn't get squats in but was able to press and get my PC's in on Monday. Tuesday was 12 min on the min of 2 HC at 115. Then the CFE- on the min 8x100 4 min rest 4x100. This morning was 25 min tempo run. It was a beautiful morning to run. I kind was in that "mood" where I needed to be by myself anyway, so it was nice.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Something about this week just makes me tired. Everyday this week It has been a struggle to get enough sleep, and to feel "rested". Maybe tomorrow...
Good day at the gym this am. 12 min AMRAP of 3 deadlifts at 185lbs, 7 burpees with hand release. 12 rds. The last few rounds I was just trying to keep it together! WOW, good one. Going to catch my yoga class again tonight, can't wait to become limber as Kate and Jane. Tomorrow Sarah and I are going to take it easy and just do some mobility wods. They are painful but worth it:) Have a good day guys!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Yesterday it felt good to sleep in, but I always end up kicking myself for not getting to the gym and screwing up my schedule! Props to Jenn for making it last night and killing the WOD. #1 girl-Way to go!! Got my lifts in today--Squat, bench and deads. I still need to loosen up my hips. I have decided that is why I come a tad forward out of the bottom on my squats! Otherwise I hit my numbers and all was good. Short day at work that.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday and I am tired

Hit the sleep button this morning and decided I could use the 2 extra hours of sleep. I'm just going to do a little yoga tonight and call it a day. I'm tired. Tomorrow instead of a rest day I'll get in my lifts I won't be sore for FGB on Saturday! Caught a CFE tabata work out last night with the girls. I love how Tabatas are so short and sweet. I felt like I hardly did anything.

Monday, September 20, 2010


I would think that I would have been all rested from this past weekend, but that was not the case :( I was up all night with horrible tummy achs. Good thing I was able to catch a cat nap after my workout this morning before heading to work. My work was squats, presses and cleans today. I am back up to were I left off on my presses. Next week I'll be going for my first new PR! Yeah!!

Friday, September 17, 2010


TGIF for sure! Since I worked both Sat/Sun last weekend I really haven't been able to "rest". Taking off early today to do just that. EXCITED:) This morning I did Tabata intervals of Sledge Hammer R, Burpees, Sledge Hammer L. The burpees seriously about killed me. I was struggling to keep my 6 for all 8 rounds. Ended up with 28 total points so that's good for a Friday! I haven't made it to yoga in a while so tomorrow it's on my TO DO list!! Shout out to Sarah with 95lb thruster this morning. Girl you definitely still got it:)

Thursday, September 16, 2010


This morning I had squat, bench and deads. I am starting to feel much more confident in my squats as they are becoming solid! WOW I didn't ever think I would say that. I went up today 10lbs in my deads from last week and got 255 x 5. Excited! I'm only 10 lbs from my PR. The strength is coming back and I'm feeling good about where I am at and my new programming. It's amazing what a few weeks of staying on track will do for your outlook on EVERYTHING:)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Yesterday I ended up getting to the gym after work. Usually I can talk myself out of it but last night I just really wanted to get the Anniversary WOD done. 150 burpees for time. Yuck. Goal was 15 min, got 16 flat. Pretty happy with that, thanks Jenn G:) This morning I did the 9rds- min on min off CFE and then some Mobility Stretching. I think I have my above the knee pain figured out. I just have to do the painful exercises that will make it better.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Chad came home in one piece yesterday yeah!! We decided to sleep in together this am so I didn't make it to the gym. Sorry team. I've got to get there tonight in honor of Jenn's 2 yr. anniversary 150 burpees for time. Love you Jenn..but I think you are now cut off from programming wods. Mini murph and now this..I think you are trying to kill me slowly. J/K thanks for making me do things I would never EVER want to do on my own!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday-The hubby comes home:)

Chad flys in this afternoon...Yeah:) I miss him and does my doggy. Sounds like he had a great time at the game...probably a little too much fun, but he deserved it. I was draggin ass this morning and struggling with my weights! Welcome to Monday morning. Still was able to increase all of my lifts but my squats were not solid to say the least. No assistance work this morning as I am still really sore from Fran and Murph. I can't believe it's less then 2 weeks until FGB. Holy crap time is a flying!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday-Last Hero Wod

I figured I better jump into the mix this morning to remember our hero's and do a WOD for them. I decided on a mini Murph but still did the mile long runs in the beginning and end. It was tough, but like all workouts I made it though and felt great after it was over. Everyone did so great and Shannon and Lindsey went RX in under an hour. Props to them as I have only been able to do it once that way!! Go girls. I ended up missing yoga but was able to catch some breakfast which was awesome. TKS L&J! great workouts with great people gotta love CFFM.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday with Fran and a new PR what??

Bench Mark workouts...How my tummy turns. I always get butterflies right before I do a balls to the wall workout. This morning was no different. I haven't done Fran in a long time and I was pretty nervous that my pull ups would slow me down. My last time was 6:57 to be exact and this morning I PR'd with a 5:50!!! Can I get a Hell Yeah:) I haven't had a new PR in a long time so it felt good. I think Sarah wanted it just as much as I and that's what pulled me though. What a great counter, cheerleader and coach she is:) Can't wait until she pops that baby out and we can train together again...Oh the days! Love my Sarah.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Day off from work...Yeah! Got up to cover the 7am class. Elaine and Suzi rocked it out..Great job girls. Started lifting by 8am. Called Jenn G to come in but she was sleeping and could be mad...we will soon find out!! Squat, bench and deads. Hit my numbers and left it at that. No assistance work today. I'm a little nervous about Fran tomorrow I'm not going to lie. My pull ups and thrusters have not been the best lately. On the good side... it'll be over before I know it. Fast and sweet...I love those kind of workouts. So Chad landed safe in NY. They are driving to the game on Friday so he gets much needed time with his family:) I already miss him!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I was going to be an easy day of stretching...I slept in and got to the gym at 6:30 a.m. Somehow Brent shamed me into doing a scaled version of the DWOD. Coming from the man that just yesterday told me I needed to rest more. Well of course I excepted the challenge and away we went. 500m row, 25 burpees, 500m. It only took about 6 min and it actually was a good warm up for some mobility stretching. The hubby leaves today for his little Men's get away weekend with golf and football. Go Irish! I've got the house to myself and the remote control....what!! Not like I'll have a ton of time I've got to work Saturday night and on Sunday. I'm going to miss him's just me and the dog!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So I didn't make the run last night. Got home from work, sarah and paul stopped by, took a nap with Chad and then it was storm city. I'm thinking that 2 CFE's a week is enough anyway. I'm not running in the race I am just trying to get my lungs need to kill myself. Plus Brent keeps saying I don't rest enough. I know 70's big. I get it. More is not better. This morning was 20 min AMRAP of 7rds bear, 400m run. It took me the first 2 rounds just to get my joints moving and to full depth on my front squat. Man I am getting old. Looking forward to my rest day with Mobility Stretching:)

1/2 Cliff Bar
Chicken, peach, veggies with hummus, nuts, coffee

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day--Off to work:)

It's a holiday...but not in my world! Got my lifting in and some chins but didn't have time to do my CFE this morning with the crew:( I'm going to have to convince Jenn to do it with me tonight...I would hate to talk myself out of it. Must run! I am committed to kicking the Pita chips and fudge pops this week. I'm going to hang onto the hummus for a few more days since I just love it so. I do have a paleo recipe for it though, hmmm now I just have to find it.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

It's the weekend!

Got about 9 hours of sleep, which was amazing! It's been a long time coming:) Did my CFE this morning 20min TT. Tempo was not happening. I was dying just to complete it. It was great to see Kate and Jane..I miss those two. Headed off to yoga for some stretching and then back home. Chad is sooo excited that football is back on. He left work early to watch the Irish game. Men! Anyway I haven't been very dilligent with the paleo lifestyle. I'm getting there but I have been addicted to Pita chips, hummus, fudge pops, and cliff bars. I'm feeling better and I have been trying to wein off the crappy food slowly. This week I'm going to try and ditch the pita chips and fudge pops. I only have 3 weeks until FGB and I really want my 300+!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010


Lifting Thursday-Squats, Bench, Deads. Met up with some girls for a CFE 20 on 10 off- 16 rounds. Wow short and sweet. Decided to do FGB this am. It started off just being 2 rounds but I decided that I needed to push myself and test out 3. Under 300 :( But that's ok. I know what I need to do to reach my goal at the end of the month. I'm sure I'll be feeling it this weekend!! I am excited to have my first weekend off in a long time where I actually get to relax. Working on the Holiday but such is life. I mean yesterday I got paid to sail around and go shelling. I'll take it:)
Saw this on someone's Facebook page. I thought I would share, as I say part of this mantra before I lift...toooo cool!!

Fear Exists
Fear Pushes you to push harder
to become greater
to achieve more
so when fear is present...
Recognize it and then ATTACK IT...
My fear is FEARLESS.

I am stronger because the fear of failure is almost like settling for 2nd place...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mobility WOD day:)

So Wednesdays have become my day off but I have turned them into Mobility stretching days. This morning I did 3 WODs from the site. A little calf action, front of the hip and shoulders. God damn I am tight. These wod's will be good for me as I have never really been flexible, especially in my shoulders from all of that volleyball crap. I never stretched as I should have growing up and now I'm paying the piper.