Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday with Fran and a new PR what??

Bench Mark workouts...How my tummy turns. I always get butterflies right before I do a balls to the wall workout. This morning was no different. I haven't done Fran in a long time and I was pretty nervous that my pull ups would slow me down. My last time was 6:57 to be exact and this morning I PR'd with a 5:50!!! Can I get a Hell Yeah:) I haven't had a new PR in a long time so it felt good. I think Sarah wanted it just as much as I and that's what pulled me though. What a great counter, cheerleader and coach she is:) Can't wait until she pops that baby out and we can train together again...Oh the days! Love my Sarah.


Kate Charles said...

YEAH!!!!! Nice PR my friend... so wish I was there to witness it... cheered you on in spirit tho :)

Nacci said...

Nice job MK!