Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So I didn't make the run last night. Got home from work, sarah and paul stopped by, took a nap with Chad and then it was storm city. I'm thinking that 2 CFE's a week is enough anyway. I'm not running in the race I am just trying to get my lungs back....no need to kill myself. Plus Brent keeps saying I don't rest enough. I know 70's big. I get it. More is not better. This morning was 20 min AMRAP of 7rds bear, 400m run. It took me the first 2 rounds just to get my joints moving and to full depth on my front squat. Man I am getting old. Looking forward to my rest day with Mobility Stretching:)

1/2 Cliff Bar
Chicken, peach, veggies with hummus, nuts, coffee

1 comment:

Hip Kitty said...

old? PLEASE.

I am so glad I am not the only one giving you that advice ;) 2/week is quite enough, missy. Remember, we've been there, done that...and wrecked ourselves...