Friday, December 19, 2008


Got up and went to the local gym it was crowed!! Here's my crazy WOD- 3500m on the rower, 15 of biking (if that's what you want to call it, more like just zoning out), then came the fun.....KBS and push ups- 21-18-15-12-9-6-3. Fun fun. The largest KB they had was a 45lb it was kind of nice to use that weight again! We are suppose to get 8-10 inches of snow today. Holy Crap people that's a lot of snow. Chad went home to go help plow so he'll be working all day and night i'm sure. I'm at my parents for one more night then off to chad's. I usually do good while I'm at my parents house b/c they try and help me eat good. His house is another story. I'll be packin' some goodies to take with me:)

Egg whites, salsa, eggplant, fruit, nuts
Salmon, Salad, nuts, fruit
nuts, Zoned Lazana Yummy! My parents enjoyed it too!
Cheese stick, apple, pb
a few more nuts!

1 comment:

Hip Kitty said...

We had power cleans today, 1RM. So my PR is 115lbs and I could only make it to 113 today! I stayed until 9AM working on it! So frustrated, but getting over it. :) Nicew WOD for you, today, made that crap up? Yikes.

Have fun in the snow girlie- Merry Weekend Before Christmas!! Miss you....CF Party tonight at Kevin and Linda's!