Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Up at 5am in such a good mood. Could it be b/c it's my last day of work before I leave for 10 days or just the fact that I'm going home??? I think it's the combination!! So excited to hit upstate NY for a change of weather and family. I'm going to freeze b/c I always do but I love to see snow at Christmas. Talked to my dad on the way into work and they are suppose to get 2 inches tonight!! WOD was 60 air squats, 400m run, 25 push press--3 rounds for time. 80 lbs on the push press about killed me! It was short and sweet. Shout out to S for bumpin up the weight and doing great!

5am-Salmon, nuts
7:30am-Salmon, blackberries, a few left over veggies, nuts
12:30pm-So we had an employee luncheon...They ordered appetizers--I ate 2 shrimp (jumbo) Cantaloupe with brochette, mozzarella with tomato and pesto, Chicken salad which I took most of it home. Wasn't exactly what I was going for but I was happy with my choices--No dessert :)

1 comment:

Hip Kitty said...

I am going to miss you girl! It is going to be tough for me, too, esp. with the gym being closed that week after....but all we can do is our best, right? LOVE my surprise this am, you totally got me- dang it! MERRY CHRISTMAS!