Thursday, November 19, 2009


WOD was CnJ 6 sets of 1. Set a new PR today at 140lbs! Hell yeah. I was seriously super excited about this pr. I have been working a lot on getting my shoulders stronger and it's finally working. YES! Then I did the Daily Wod at 110lbs. My times went like 3:56, 4:46, 5:56 about a min difference. Pull ups slowed me down but they are coming back. Shout out to Hip Kitty for killing it this am! Nice work girl.

Turned into a IF morning
2pm-Yikes! Just eating lunch, work is nutty. Pork loin, veggies, salad, nuts


Hip Kitty said...

you are def coming back, stronger than before, girl- it is easy to see, and clear to me that you are tracking towards reaching YOUR goal at the 2010 Games!!

Kate Charles said...

Good Job on the CNJ PR MK!