Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday-Almost Turkey Day!!

This am I ran the 9min timed trial. I attempted to use my IPod for the timer but that didn't go so well. I ended up running 1.25 miles not sure how long! Oh well such is life. Then I played with the 6am crew on all of their lifting this am. WOW. Shoulder press-got up to 95lbs, push press sets of 3 stayed at 95, Push jerks worked up to 115 for sets of 5. That's a long ass workout out and lots of reps. I'm sure my upper body will be feeling that one tomorrow. Shoulders will be tight. Lifted with Sarah this am...always a pleasure girl! I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow and being a bum!!

5am-Chicken, nuts
8am-Chicken, mixed up veggies, nuts


Hip Kitty said...

I enjoyed it as well :) Like old times! :) Happy Turkey and see you Saturday night!

OCD said...

would love to, Michelle. Where is this pub crawl? Bonita? Can you email me directions to your house?