Monday, January 18, 2010


Thanks for the Love guys! I am pretty sore all over today but tomorrow is rest...YES! Decided to do the CFFB WOD today. 6 rounds- 3 HPC at 115, 3 shuttle runs 5-10-5 rest 45 sec between rounds. 40 secs on all out efforts was right up my alley this morning. (that's about how long it took me for each round). Meeting Jenn tonight for Swim lesson number 2. Kind of excited about the swimming thing. Right now I am like a tad pole struggling in the water and some day I would love to be a shark like Jenn. Get em' girl!
*Nutrition Note* I am really going to try the 12 block thing for 2 weeks to see if I notice a difference in weight. I was going to start this it a little bit ago but life got in the way. That'll put me right at Feb. 1 and just in time for the Paleo Challenge. I hope you all commit and buck up to the plate. Just think it's only 2 months of your life. Let's say you are 30 years old right now that means you've have 360 months to eat the way you just try 2 the Paleo way. You can do it. It's not like you'll never be able to eat massive amounts of sugar's just for 2 months. Of course no one is perfect and cheats will happen. But you do the best you can and go from there. COME ON PEOPLE we are in this together!! YOU CAN DO IT :) The end results will just amaze you, I promise.


Hip Kitty said...

See you at the pool ;)

Anonymous said...

I am willing to be the test subject for paleo pizza on Sunday. Need to get to the gym and run Sunday but will need to eat sometime! We'll get a solid plano over the week. Enjoy your day off tomorrow, I am enjoying mine today!