Thursday, April 9, 2009


So I was a little grumpy ok a lot grumpy this morning. I've just had a lot on my mind with work, chad, the inlaws, the games, sleep and rest issues. The list really could go on and on. I know I need to pull back and do what I gotta do to get through the next 2 weeks. We'll get there and hopefully I'll make it rested and in one piece.
WOD this morning was AMRAP 20 min-83lbs power cleans, 100m sprint. Uping the cleans by 3 each round. I banged out 9 rounds and my forearms were shot. Shout out to the 6am crew who all did this workout prescribed..yeah girls! Extra work was squats sets of 5 and KTE. I didn't go very heavy on the squats and I'm glad for that. I was spent this morning.

5am-Chicken, nuts
8am-Chicken, veggie mix up, nuts
11:45am-Chicken, salad, nuts
3pm-Chicken, veggies with dip, nuts

I'm kind of hungry today and I'm not sure why...Probably b/c I'm stressed.

1 comment:

Hip Kitty said...

Prolly cause your body needs a little extra to get thru these tough days...I didn't really think you were all that cranky, truly... :) I know there's so much surrounding you right now- and I know it's starting to get more than a little 'stressful'...more like borderline overwhelming, yes? YOU GOT THIS.