Thursday, February 11, 2010


This morning I had deadlifts. Set new 5 rm. Failed at 250. Coach said I wasn't using my legs enough and I felt it. Way harder then usual. Onto snatches. I felt as though I finally found my jumping posting in the snatch at the CERT, but then this am I was having a hard time again. At least now I know what it feels like to hit a good rep. I can tell the difference that's for sure. I guess for me it's finding my starting position and really focusing on pushing my knees back!

egg nuts
Turkey Burger and a bit, avocado, veggies
Fish, a little turkey burger, broccoli, asparagus, avocado, nuts
fish, nuts, peppers, celery


Hip Kitty said...

yeah girl- always nice to catch a wod with you :) I think we take it for granted these days. I am glad you're BACK- we got a date @ BGI in a few weeks....GET SOME. Remember what Coach Burg told you- see you in Cali!!!!

OCD said...

Go Michelle!

SAHM said...

Congratulations on your 5 RM!!!!