Monday, October 19, 2009


I know what you mean Kary about walking away from the cookies. I had to bring the left overs into work!! So this morning I went down to the Naples affiliate to catch my work out. Back squat 4 sets of 10. 140, 145, 145, 150. Benches 4 sets of 10-95, 100, 100, 100. Add a endurance WOD 80% tempo 15 min. row.
7am-Chicken, apple, nuts
12pm-Chili, celery, a few pepper slices, nuts
4pm-Fish, raspberries, strawberries, nuts
7pm-Salmon, broccoli, cauliflower, nuts

Snackin' happy when I got home from work-carrots, almond butter, apple, cheese, ck---I was all over the place!

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