Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Got BEEF?Grassfed that is!

To all my crossfitters....I totally committed to WAY to much grassfed beef from a local butcher. This works out in your favor b/c now you can easily purchase grassfed ground beef, cubed steaks and a variety of other cuts right from your friend MK :) I'll go through my inventory and post what I have for sale. You will not believe the difference in flavor it's amazing!
WOD was-CFE with Liz. 100m sprints 10 rounds, 90 sec rest in between attempts. I ranged from 19.1 to 19.94. I was happy that I stayed at the same pace the entire time. I tried so hard to get off the 19 but it wasn't happening! Added some plank holds and D/U Practice. Shout out to my girl Sarah for killing the 5 rep max on bench this morning. Go girl!

8am-GRASSFED Steak-so yummy, cauliflower porridge
12pm-Sesame Mahi Mahi-thanks Kary, broccoli/cauliflower, nuts
4pm-Turkey Burger, nuts, celery
7pm-Hamburger, veggie mix up, almond butter
9pm-2 zone bars with extra almond butter --I mean extra almond butter

1 comment:

Hip Kitty said...

Way to sell that GFB girl! That's an entreprenueral (sp) spirit if I've ever seen one!

Such nice DUs this morning...they are really coming along :) and I KNOW you are stronger than ever- as long as I can stay within 80%, that's all I am sayin'...hahaha