Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday, Monday, Monday!!!

This is me pushin the fake sled in the WR :)

What a fabulous Monday! First wod was Shoulder Press at 75lbs- sets of 3 every min on the min for 10 min. A little cranky about this one as my shoulder still hurts :( Got over it and headed to Cindy-5 pull, 10 push, 15 squats. Just under 12 rounds which is no stellar performance since last time I got 15 rounds. But hey this is where I'm at. I'm in the rebuild process so I am going to be happy with whatever I turn out right now. (I am just going to keep telling myself that-over and over again) I know I pushed as hard as I could. Shout out to Sarah who is just slammin' everything comin' her way right now. Rock on sis!

I am so looking forward to being where you are at I can taste it!!!!

12:30p.m.-Turkey Burger, salad, nuts-Some side veggies with hummus
3:30-Turkey Burger, veggies with hummus, nuts
8pm-Chicken, basil spinach with tomatos, nuts

Endurance WOD seriously kicked my butt. Not sure if it was because it was after a long day or work or I am just that out of shape...It's a tough one but I am going to go with the out of shape :)


Hip Kitty said...

Nice work today, girl. Way to be with pushing thru Cindy, no matter what the score. Gonna be a great summer for me and you!

Hip Kitty said...

I am honored to be in your new profile pic! I think I see a new one in the Kitty's future...