Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Worked late last night and feeling it today. WOD was 750M row, 5 rounds of 12 deadlifts, 8 hang power cleans, 4 push jerks @ 83lbs. Right around 12:30 minutes. The power cleans got to me as I couldn't hold my grip. Still need to work on fast elbows, I tend to get lazy arms as I get tired. Ended up with a little extra work of 50 weighted lunges on each leg. I have been eating 4 eggs at B-fast lately and I like it. In my head I would rather be over in protein than fat...is that ok? hmmm I'll have to look into it.

5am-London Broil, almonds
7:30am-2 huge peaches probably 2.5, 4 eggs, walnuts
12:15p.m.-Peach, huge salad, walnuts, lean ground beef
4:30pm-Egg, cauliflower, walnuts
6:30pm-Chicken, salad, veggies, walnuts and pecans
9pm-Grapes, salmon, mixed nuts

I think I pulled a muscle in my R arm between my bicep-forearm area. Ouch. It was on the last set of cleans I dropped the bar b/c I couldn't hold on and bam that's when I must of pulled something in there. You never realize how much you use that muscle until it hurts.

1 comment:

J Brod said...

Hey ass kicker! what's up? Great job on the wods. You are totally making me jealous. With your great diet, kickin' ass in the wods, oh and I think I'll do some extra work. Just stop it already we all know your awesome. Quit showing off. Ha, I think that its is great you are attacking your weak spots. Maybe I cant do something soon. Like lift both hands over my head! lol Stay strong miss ya, see ya soon. JB