Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Feel really full/bloated and all around yucky. WOD was for time- 800m row, 40 KTE, 40 squats with 63lbs, 40 ghd sit ups and 800m row. Kicked but on everything but the KTE. Didn't break on the squats which really helped my time. Pads of the hands still a little sore from the pull ups yesterday. Going to be really strict today as I feel like crap. Very much upset about yesterday but I have to let it go and start with a clean slate. No extra work for the rest of the week in the mornings going to take it easy since I've been killing myself!!

5am-Salmon, nuts
7:30am-eggs, strawberries, nuts
12:30pm-Salmon burger, salad with extra veggies, strawberries, nuts
4pm- Cauliflower and celery, ff dressing, steak, nuts
6:30pm-steak, strawberries, grapes, salad & veggies, nuts,
8:15-grapes, strawberries, steak, nuts

Really hungry all day today. must be the full moon or something!

1 comment:

Hip Kitty said...

It's OK, mama. Focus out, on what's going right for got this- be good to yourself...miss ya, and ready to be home- get ready to kick my ass Saturday, too!