Monday, February 16, 2009


Met con! My quads are killing me from Saturday's thrusters. WOD was 800m 3 times for time with a 4 minute rest in between rounds. Best time was 2:58 and I'll take it. Extra was hang power cleans 5 heavy sets. Started with 85,95,105,105,115, 95. Felt good and clean towards the end!

5am-chicken, nuts
8am-Greens, blackberries, protein powder, nuts
1:30pm-Chicken, salad with greens, grapes, apple, veggies, nuts
5pm-Steak, veggies with hummus, nuts
7pm-Ground turkey on a beautiful salad, eggplant, nuts

Went out fishing today on the HIGH seas! It was fun caught lots of little fish but it was rough out there. I think I'll be in bed early tonight. Still feeling the seas3 hours later!

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