Saturday, February 28, 2009


Oh how nice it is to sleep in! Walked the dog and pretty much got ready for work. I have a casino party tonight, so I hope that goes well!

10:30am-eggs, egg whites, a little broc in my omelet, greens, blackberries, nuts
2:15pm-Lean ground turkey, a little chicken, salad, nuts
4:30pm-Chicken, veggies, nuts-hungry!
8pm-Ground lean turkey, salad, nuts some veggies 2 diet cokes
11-1-a few glasses of wine, ground turkey in marinara with cheese, baked layes,veggies and nuts. Don't even know how many blocks one can only guess!

Total cheat again tonight. I was so tired from work I went out for a few drinks and then came home and was hungry. Bad combo. Looks like I'll have to clean it up starting sunday and all into next week. I'm less then 2 month away now so no time to start getting loose on the diet. My goal is still to drop 10 pounds but keep my muscle. I'll keep you all posted on my progress. Next weigh in is March 9.

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