Sunday, February 8, 2009


Good sleep last night. No vball today as I am still being careful with the back. Again it's feeling better but not 100% yet. I have never had this last this long. Usually it'll be sore for a few days and then it goes away..nothing to complain about. This time it's lasting a while! Did a bunch of chores today and got my meals ready for the week!

10:30am-2 eggs, 2 whites omelet, greens with blackberries, nuts
2pm-Steak, veggies with hummus , nuts
4pm-Apple with pb
7pm-Salmon, some roast that chad made (yummy), salad, nuts and some more pb!

1 comment:

Hip Kitty said...

hey girl- sounds like you had a great weekend...see you in the am!