Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Good sleep last night! WOD was power cleans sets of 3. PC always get me, my form is just never correct and it drives me nuts. I know once I get it and feel it I'll be able to kill it with weight.

5am-Steak, nuts
8am-eggs, blackberries, nuts
1pm-Salmon, salad, nuts
4pm-Chicken, veggies with hummus, nuts
8pm-Chicken, a litte bit of pork chop, salad, nuts


Jason Cobb said...

Hey good work today MK. Be patient, you were finishing your cleans much better towards the end of the WOD. I will email you and Sarah with extra work detail for this week! ~ J

Hip Kitty said...

Yo mama. Your (our?) form is getting there....you have def made progress over the last 60d or so...and you are so right...you will KILL it in weight once form is perfect. I think we both could use a little rehab in the patience dept! By the way....me think Cindy could be this week....hhmmmm...it's been since August....