Friday, September 5, 2008


Gotta love those Fridays! Feeling really tight and sore in the quads from the thrusters yesterday. Lots of stretching today and this weekend! WOD was- AMRAP 20 min. Snatch 53lbs and 200M run. Killer! 8.5 rounds complete. Focued on flat back- feel like I did pretty well with that. So it's Friday and I thought I cooked enough protein for my meals but no luck as I went to grab my breakfast out of the fridge. Had to resort to protein n water for breakfast...not so lovely.

5am-Shrimp, strawberries, nuts
7:30am-Protein and water, apple, 1/2 cups grapes, nuts
12:15pm-Lunch meeting-Mushroom soup 1/3 of cup, salad with flank steak, a few bits of chocolate mousse. Delicious!
6pm-Nuts, chicken, grapes
7:15pm-Chicken, asparagus, eggplant, grapes nuts- More than 3 block on the protein.
9pm- apple, chicken, 2 tbs of pb

Feel like I finally have things under control at work yeah! Working on Sunday so by Monday I should feel good to go. Thank you to my peeps for the encouraging words, it has really brought a smile to my face as I read them. Thanks for the support y'all, I needed it!


J Brod said...

great wod girl!! have a great day and weekend. Hope work is getting better. JB

Hip Kitty said...

HAPPY FRIDAY!! YEA! I get to play!! Hope to see you guys over the weekend...see you in the am for sure, tho...