Thursday, January 15, 2009


Solid 6 hours of sleep with another iffy hour so I was up at 5am. Last two nights I have woke up at 4am and that was it, I couldn't get back to sleep. WOD was AMRAP 20 min-- run and kettle bell swings, uping the number of swings by 10 each round. Good one today for me, I dig the swings and running so I enjoyed this WOD. My baseball tickets go on-sale this morning and I have had people waiting at the Town Center since 7:15 a.m.! Gotta run and try and control the mad rush!!

5am-Steak, nuts
7:30am-Eggs, nuts, blackberries, green pepper slices
12:30pm-Chicken, Salad, veggies, nuts
4pm-Egg, peppers, nuts
7pm-Turkey Chili, salad, nuts


Hip Kitty said...

Easy now tiger. ;)

Again- another great job this am, girl! You are kickin' bootay this week! FRIDAY tomorrow- YEAH! See you later today...

Anonymous said...

What time do you workout?