Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Need more sleep, that darn 24 keeps me up on Monday nights!! WOD was 3 CnJ, 6 push ups, 9 air squats-15 rounds. Nice. Extra work was ring dips 40 at 1/2 way down. They for sure felt harder today then last week. AHHH.

5am-Chicken, nuts
7:30 am-Fish, strawberries, avocado-I know it was weird but what you gonna do i'm out of nuts!
1pm-Steak, salad, veggies with hummus, nuts
4pm-Egg, veggies with hummus, avocado and a few nuts
5:30pm-Apple with Pb
7pm-Chicken with marinara, cheese, fruit mix, pb
9pm-Apple with pb

I was tired this evening and craving PB of all things with fruit. I went over on all blocks today.


OCD said...

where do you do yoga, michelle? i want to do crossfit and yoga, but haven't been able to find any good studios here.

Hip Kitty said...

yes, I take them occasionally...

Hip Kitty said...

do you need some?