Monday, March 30, 2009


WOD was sprinting! 200m, 1 min rest, 400m, 2 min rest, 800m, 3 min, 800m, 3 min, 400m 2 min, 200m. Stayed with in my 5 sec. Extra work was Overhead Squats. Actually very happy with my OH's today! Warm up then 75, 85, 95, 100, 105, 105, 97, 100, 95, 85, 75. Hit the Sauna with Sarah and started the day off on a good foot. Love the sweat of the sauna.

12:30pm-Ground Turkey, salad, 2 avocados
3:30-same darn meal!
6:30pm-Salmon, avocados, eggplant
8pm-Cheese, 3 strawberries, a few veggies with hummus, almonds

Feeling super full like I ate way too much today. I think it was b/c my meals were so close together. I for sure didn't need the 8pm snack but I was at work and packing up the food from the event.

1 comment:

Hip Kitty said...

sooo...the 97....nice. how exactly does one get 97lbs, hmmmmm????