Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Nice sleep last night! WOD was sprints 400m with 2 min rest in between. 5 rounds then 50 burpees for time. Ouch! Did well with the 5 rounds 1:24, 1:19, 1:21, 1:22, 1:22. 4:58 on the burpees for time. Did sets of 10 with a 10 sec rest in between. Probably should've just gone without a break in between 4 &5 but I was dying! Extra work-I am kind of sick, but I think extra work and I know hip kitty does too! Heavy squats sets of 10-115, 135, 145, 145, 145, 155. It doesn't seem like a lot of weight but when you are doing sets of 10 it wears you out!!

5am-Fish, nuts
8am-Fish, sweet potato, nuts, avocado
12:30pm-White Fish, salad, 2 avocados-They were soooo gooood
4pm-Chicken, asparagus, nuts
8pm-Omelet, veggies with hummus, salsa, avocado

1 comment:

Hip Kitty said...

yeah girl, the bsquats were tough- 10RMs wear me out, too. So glad you ate some cado this am! ;)