Holy crap now that was a triple! WOD was Eva- 5 rounds of 800m run, 30 KBS at 24kl, 30 pull ups. Finished in 48 minutes. Ouch. Tore the hands a little bit but no where near Hip Kitty. Damn girl, I give you props for pulling through with the wounds.
5am-Chicken, nuts
8:30am-Salmon, Sweet Potato, avocado, nuts
2pm-Huge salad with all kinds of veggies, ground turkey, avocado, nuts
4:30pm-Tuna steak, small salad, veggies
7:15pm-Jason's Deli with a side of chicken
I wasn't able to eat lunch today until 2pm and I thought I was going to serious eat my arm off. I was starving! I had a luncheon and fashion show today that went extra long and I couldn't sneak away even for a bite. The event was a huge success so it's all good. I just hate waiting that long to eat b/c I get snap happy and my patience is very low!! All is well now that i've eaten :)
yo girl. way to smoke it. that was a tough one.
I am one cranky bitch when I am hungry. :)
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