Monday, March 23, 2009


WOD was squat cleans. Warm up 45, 65, 85, 95, 105. First round missed at 115, 115, 125, 135, 145, 150 missed. I totally went for it today with the 150. It's ok though, it's good to feel the weight even though I missed it forward. Elbows! Push Jerks to follow. 95, 105 missed, 105, 105, 105, 105, 110. My shoulders were killing me today. Shooting pain down the outside of both shoulders during the squat cleans and the jerks. Really hurt me in the jerks. Couldn't even get close to normal weight. Can feel them right now. Not cool. Shout out to Hip Kitty who blew it out of the park this morning. Setting 2 new pr's...way to go girl!

Coffee, gum
1pm-Starving-couldn't help it...Stuffed tomatoes, a little salad, avocado, nuts
4:30pm-Turkey Burger, sweet potatoes, avocado, nuts
7pm-Fish, salad, a few asparagus, avocado, nuts

Feeling really bloated and thick today. Not sure what's going on....

1 comment:

Hip Kitty said...

Way to be not only on cleaaning the 145, but you are so right, totally going for it on the 150. I admire your mental toughness, girl! I am trying to watch and learn.