Thursday, March 12, 2009


So glad it's Thursday and no wod tomorrow for me...that means sleep!! WOD today was Annie. So happy with my D/U's today. I got 20 in a row on the first go, that's huge. I still didn't beat my time from August but I feel as though my D/U's are back. WHoooo HOooo.

12:00-hamburger, salad, avocado, nuts
4pm-Tuna steak, eggplant, nuts, avocado
6pm-Tuna steak, salad, avocado
salad was super small-7:15pm-veggies with hummus
10:15pm-Chicken, veggies with hummus nuts

Just got home from work and I'm super tired and hungry. Not the best thing to eat so late but I really didn't care at the time. My body is tired but my brain is running. Hopefully i'll be able to bed down shortly.


Kate Charles said...

Enjoy your much deserved "sleep-in"! See you race day.

Hip Kitty said...

Great job on the DU's girl. And, you were right, I was tickled to see Annie! Really looking forward to seeing you in the AM. Will touch base soon to set up the morning plans...super happy to be back, too.