Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hump Day :)

It's half way into my first week at the new gym and I'm lovin' it. Everyone has welcomed us with open arms and really made me feel at home. Thanks guys! This mornings WOD was again a killer! I was sore and cranky from the Hypers (hamstrings ouch!) and the CnJ (traps) yesterday. It was ASRAP in 20 min. of 400 m run and 25 squat jump with 45lbs. 6 rounds later I about fell over on the last squat jump. I jumped out instead of up and almost lost it. No worries though I held it together or Sarah would've been in trouble :)

5:15am-Cottage cheese, blueberries, 3 almonds
9am-3/4 cup egg beaters, 1 oz low fat cheese, 2/3 cup oatmeal, 1 cup grapes, 12 almonds
12pm- Stuffed tomatoes, broccoli with hummus, 1 cup raspberries, 1/2 cup pineapple-totally full!
4pm-Cottage cheese, blackberries, 3 almonds
6:30pm-6 oz grouper, salad with zone dressing, 2 cups of cauliflower with hummus
830-Raspberry Smoothie

Feel pretty full and actually a little heavy/bloated. Not sure if I'm eating too much or what. I will take a mental note and see how I feel tomorrow. Honestly it could be the weather. When it's rainy I kind of feel like blahhh.

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